Here are a couple things you should know about me before reading my words:

1. I consider myself to be in a constant state of learning and growing. I am always open to any other thoughts or ideas. It doesn't matter if they are new, old, similar to my own, or totally opposing to my own. I will always try to weigh everything I hear with an unbiased point of view, and not be offended if somebody totally disagrees with me.

2. Ever since I can remember, every time I have had serious thoughts about serious issues (especially about God) the thoughts and ideas flow through my mind in the form of a sermon or speech. I cannot tell you why this is. Just please know that, although I sound extremely preachy, that's just the way my mind processes things. I am not in any way trying to tell anyone how to live his/her life. I am simply sharing my thoughts and views as best I can. It is your choice to take it or leave it.

3. I can't really think of any thing else that is totally necessary for you to know. I hope you fully understand everything that I say. Feel free to let me know what you think through a comment. God bless you all.

My Thoughts

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I wrote the following little tidbit in my 9th grade spanish class (6 years ago) and have kept it with me. I won't lie, I do not know where these words came from. I was sitting there and simply started writing.

Jesus Christ, the most extravagant being in this universe, extends his unconditional love and unheard of grace towards every person on this spec of an earth. Without Him, you, as the person next to you, would not have acquired anything you have; you would not have accomplished and will not accomplish anything. Jesus Christ, the son of the one and only God, has an unbelievable care for you. Considering all of this, i present to you one question. WHY? in this God forgiven world, do we walk through life absolutely ignoring the extravagant love of our creator. I also present to you one goal. Instead of living a life of the norm, look at life through a different lens. Picture every nuisance an opportunity, every accident a lesson, every sunrise another reason to praise the creator, and in everything that we see or do an obligation to worship the Lord.

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